Sunday, November 29, 2009

Animator for hire!

Hello once again! It has been a while since I have updated. Again I blame it on working, video games, and burritos.

So in October I went to the Ottawa International Animation Festival (IN CANADA). It was an absolutely amazing time. I saw tons of amazing films, met tons of new people, and got inspired. Both of my screenings went really well. It was an honor to have my film screen in the festival and it looked amazing on the big screen. Ottawa to is me is like on giant refresh button for creativity. At the end of every festival I just cannot wait to get home and start working again.

I have been doing a fair amount of drawing lately and even more brain storming. I have an idea for a short film that has been kicking around, but I do not know if I am ready just yet to invest that amount of time. I am also working on an idea for a series of web shorts (maybe 5-30 seconds each) based off of the
"brother and sis" characters I created. I am kind of split between these two. Regardless, here is one of my colored sketches.

This is a random bird character from my sketch book, colored in photoshop. I really like this guy.

My film "Bookkeeper of the Universe" is in contention for a bunch of festivals. I am excited to see if it can get into some more screenings! If you know any great festivals to apply for, please tell me.

Right now I am looking for some freelance animation work. You could say I am an "animator for hire". If you like my work and need animation for commercials, music videos, movies, or anything else, please get in contact with me!

That is it for now!


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