Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So I am making progress on the degree project! Slowly but surely I am getting more and more frames completed. We have monday off, so that is one extra day I have to get even more finished. Yes!

I finally found a voice for my main character! I had a couple friends come by to give a shot at the voice, but they just didn't have what I was looking for. When in when I played the clips back in class, Geoff starting to do a voice (another senior). The voice he made, was the same voice that I had in mind for the character! So we went into the sound studio on Saturday and we had some fun recording the dialogue. The voice was great! His voice over is going to bring this to a whole other level! I am pretty excited for it.

Here is one frame...

The plan of action this week is to get these new voice overs in a timeline and see how they sound sequentially. Then it is all about creating a lot of frames! 

Oh and I am swamped with reading for critical study classes this semester. It is nuts. I don't mind the reading though, it is a nice change of pace. 

Post complete! 

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